Jorge Arche was born on April 1, 1905, in Santo Domingo, Las Villas, Cuba, though some sources suggest his birthdate might be April 6. He began his education at “La Academia Vallate de La Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País.” In 1923, he continued his studies at the prestigious Academy of San Alejandro in Havana, where he met Victor Manuel, who greatly influenced his foray into modern art. Starting in 1936, Arche showcased his work in numerous solo and group exhibitions both in Cuba and internationally, earning various awards in numerous salons. In 1938, he painted a fresco at the Normal School of Santa Clara. Later in his career, he became the director of the “Escuela de Artes Plásticas” in Camagüey, which still bears his name. Jorge Arche passed away in Cádiz in 1957.